
Useful Numbers


Conquest Hospital 01424 755255
Bexhill Hospital 01424 730077
St Michael’s Hospice 01424 445177
Tunbridge Wells & Maidstone NHS Trust Pembury Hospital 0845 155 1000

24 Hour Accident and Emergency departments

Brighton, The Royal Sussex County Hospital 01273 696955
Eastbourne 01323 417400
Hastings 01424 755255
Haywards Heath 01444 441881
Pembury 0845 155 1000

Minor Injuries Unit

Lewes Victoria Hospital 01273 402504
Uckfield Community Hospital 01825 745030
Crowborough War Memorial
Hospital 01892 603602

Walk In Centres

Hastings 01424 884410
Eastbourne 01323 726650

NHS Dental Helpline

Call 0300 1000 899 for information about dentists accepting NHS patients and daytime emergency dental appointments. Lines are open 8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday and calls are charged at a local rate.

Emergency dental service (evening, weekends and bank holidays)
Lewes 01273 486444
Hailsham 01323 449170
Hastings 01424 850792

Sexual Health Services

East Sussex Downs and Weald 01323 416100
Hastings and Rother 01424 464750

Emergency contraception is available from family planning clinics, pharmacies, GP surgeries and minor injury units.

Support Services

NHS Direct 0845 46 47
Social Services 0845 601 0664
Red Cross Society 01424 213583
Cruse Bereavement Care 01732 353575
Hastings and Rother Substance Misuse Service 01424 720088
Emergency Dental Service 01424 850792
Stop smoking service 0800 917 8896
Sussex Mental Healthline 0300 5000 101

Advice about alcohol:

If you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol, you can get help locally from Action for Change tel: 0300 111 2470
If you are a parent or carer and you are worried about your child and their drinking, you can get help and advice from your local under 19 substance misuse service on 01323 841470.
If you want to find out more about how many units there are in different drinks, go to
There is a national 24 hour alcohol helpline called Drinkline 0800 9178282

NHS Sussex

Lewes office 01273 485300
Bexhill office 01424 735600
Patient enquiries 0300 1000 891

Date published: 2nd September, 2020
Date last updated: 2nd September, 2020